
Creating a framework on top of Seaside

Now that I am starting to understand Seaside (and Squeak), I am beginning to realise that I will probably need to customise a bit. Not because of shortcomings, but rather because there will be various good practices that one will almost always want to build into a project. My previous post about Ramon Leon's initialisation tricks is a good case in point.

Randal's comment on that post - I have included his version in this post - came at the exact moment I happened to be reading another of his entries, which addressed configuring the startup/shutdown issue. So, my default application settings will now contain something like this:

MyClass class >> initialize
self registerAsApplication: #foo.
Smalltalk addToStartUpList: self.
Smalltalk addToShutDownList: self.
self startUp.

MyClass class >> #registerAsApplication: name
^(super registerAsApplication: name)
libraries add: SULibrary;
preferenceAt: #sessionClass put: FooSession;

MyClass class >> startUp
self start. "in case I want more things here"

MyClass class >> start

WAKom default.
... other stuff if I want it...
HttpService startOn: 9090 named: 'httpd'.

MyClass class >> shutDown

self stop.

MyClass class >> stop

HttpService allInstancesDo: [:each | each stop. each unregister].

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