
So that's what decorators do!

I have been reading about decorators in various tutorials, but not really got my head around them - largely because I am still trying to understand more basic information. However, this post in the Seaside list really helps me understand the concept.

You may also want to take a look at WADecoration, which can help you
to decouple the header/footer from the main page:

I am an abstract decoration around instances of WAComponent. I can be
added to aComponent by calling #addDecoration: and I change the basic
behaviour or look of a component. There are several methods that can
be overriden to archive this:

- #renderContentOn: to emit xhtml around the decorated component. Call
#renderOwnerOn: to let the owner emit its output.
- #processChildCallbacks: to intercept the callback processing of the
- #handleAnswer: to intercept the answer processing.

I am sure I will find all the methods useful, eventually, but it is the first one that struck me as particularly interesting. It's almost as if it allows you to add 'decoration' to a component. Hmmm, intention revealing method names, not such a bad idea after all ;-)

1 comment:

intrader said...

Note that some of the methods you mention are classified as deprecated