
Starting to use the refactoring tools in OB

Up to now, the only OmniBrowser tool I have used is the 'accessors' option, which automatically generates instance variable access methods. All my other actions, e.g. moving methods, creating subclasses etc., have been done manually, largely because my mind was fully occupied just trying to work out what I was meant to be doing!

Last night, I decided to bite the bullet and explore a bit further. And finally, I am beginning to understand why experienced Smalltalkers describe the system as being more than just a language. There are some really clever tools that can save you from, not just wasting time, but also the chance of messing things up, badly!

For example, I needed to rename a variable in a method, and therefore also rename its accessor. When I used the rename menu option, it went off, did the rename and then updated all the methods which accessed that method - brilliant!

Now, clearly this sort of global search and replace isn't rocket science, but the fact that the tools are so beautifully integrated means that coding, and refactoring, become a 'relative' pleasure.

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