
Hmm, OmniBrowser!

The new Squeak Dev image is great. Much less clutter, nicer fonts, altogether a good experience. However, it has also introduced me to a whole new set of tools. The main one being, OmniBrowser. I am now feeling a bit lost.

OmniBrowser looks like the old system browser, but it behaves in different ways. Not hugely different, but enough to make me feel uncomfortable. So, today I went in search of documentation that would explain how to use the new tool. Not surprisingly, the documentation exists, and also unsurprisingly, it is scattered all over the place. The best I have been able to find so far is here. I am going to read through the PDF and see if it helps.


Looks like this article is a better place to start if you want to understand how to use the browser.

And another update. The article - although very helpful - seems to be slightly out of step with the current Squeak Dev image I downloaded. In particular, there is no ' SmartGroup' Browser in the World menu. However, the SmartGroup feature seems to be built into the main browser, and if you use that - and follow the instructions in the article - it seems to work in the same way.

I am beginning to think I should rewrite this whole post instead of adding updates!

Anyway, I have found some useful help text. It doesn't really explain how to use the browser, but it does tell me a bit about switching between browsers and what the various versions do. I think the SmartGroup browser must have been removed from this dev image. Also, it seems as though the SqueakSource package idea is gradually becoming an organising principle for Squeak - it is now being built into the tools more directly.

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