
Keeping the development image up to date

I noticed, today, that I seem to be running an older version of Seaside (2.8). I am tempted to upgrade, but I am still not clear how the upgrade process works, and whether it would overwrite any changes I had made. I suspect not, but I am reluctant to try - just at the moment.

As luck would have it, there was an interesting comment in the beginners list today. I am noting this for future use.

In the dev image, from the world menu, select "open...", then "Universe
Browser (enhanced)" (or basic if you prefer). Make sure up update the list
from the network.
Now others will have to chime in, because you can also select "open..." and
then "Squeak Map Package Loader." Much of the same material is in both
places, but they ARE different somehow. I've never been quite clear how.

However, if you take a standard dev image, and execute (in a workspace):

(HTTPSocket httpGet: 'installer.pbwiki.com/f/LPF.st') readStream fileIn.

and then

Installer install: 'Packages'.

You will get a pretty nice stable image with nearly every dev image release,
at which point you can also load packages by doing things like:

Installer sake addPackage: 'FreeTypePlus'; install.
Installer sake addPackage: 'MemoryUsage'; install.
MemoryUsage new openInWorld.

(These are just two packages I like to load). Anyway, the nice thing about
using the Universe Browser or the Sake package loader is that they take care
of the dependencies for you...

I have NO IDEA how it all works--I've just finally figured out how to use

Also, with a fresh dev image, try, in the Universe Browser, updating the
list, then "select upgrades." Click the "all" button, and scroll through
the list. It will show you what packages it selected. You can than update
if you want...

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