
Maybe I am beginning to understand this stuff ;-)

This should probably be filed under the heading of "famous last words". However, I have actually succeed in doing something useful with Squeak. I think this is quite an important milestone. Up to this point I have been scratching my head and trying to understand individual methods, whilst all the while feeling that things weren't quite making sense. This evening, however, was different.

After I loaded Avi Bryant's CSV parser, I was able to create a stream from a file, figure out to how process the contents and ended up with an array of OrderedCollections. I wanted to pull the first item from each collection (basically, I was rotating a matrix), and display it in the Transcript. So... I typed in:

(CSVParser on: (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'ifadqs.csv')) rows do: [:each| Transcript show: each first; cr].

And it worked :-)

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