This snippet controls the redirection of the user when their session expires.
You should overwrite the expire method on your session and redirect to the
desired url,
MySession>> expire
super expire.
self redirectTo: ''
First of all, this is not a blog which will teach you Smalltalk, rather it is an online notepad of my attempts to learn the language. Look upon this blog as a list of sudden insights and moments of overcoming stupidity!
You should overwrite the expire method on your session and redirect to the
desired url,
MySession>> expire
super expire.
self redirectTo: ''
If they're seaside-related, they can be put on the Seaside FAQ.
Thanks Randal, I learnt two things at once there :-)
1. There is a place to put this stuff - still slowly finding my way around.
2. The answer to session expiry is already logged on the site.
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