
Fantastic Seaside tutorial from Cincom

James Robertson of Cincom Systems was kind enough to point me to a Seaside tutorial that he built. You can access the tutorial here. Although the link to the tutorial is included as a comment to my previous entry, I wanted to bring it up to the top level in case anyone else is subscribed to these entries, and may miss it if they aren't subscribed to comments.

The interesting thing about James' comment is the timing. I have just started listening to his podcast, and, as a result of that, I downloaded the Cincom smalltalk this morning!

I have a couple of outstanding questions that I need to get answered, in due course:

  1. How do I get it to run on a Mac! Yes, I am sure it is an RTFM, it is just that I am a bit short of time, at the moment. The installer said something about setting a path variable, and, sadly, my knowledge of OS X is rather limited, so I have to check the instructions
  2. How much does it cost to use Cincom in an application? Normally, this isn't a difficult question to answer, but with the Cincom smalltalk, it seems as though everything is negotiable. I think the pricing is what put me off trying it in the past. However, now that I am becoming so interested in the language, I really should find someone who can explain the pricing model. My ideal is that it would be a bit like the Gemstone approach, i.e. free for small applications, then you pay for bigger ones. Who knows. However, when I find out, I will note it down here :-)

1 comment:

jarober said...

To run on a Mac, you can do one of two things:

1) Drag the image (the .im file) onto the .app in the Finder. Once you do that, go to File>>Set VisualWorks Home... and give it the path to the VW installation

2) Do what I do, and create a shell script that looks like this:

/Users/james/Applications/vw7.6/bin/macx/visual.app/Contents/MacOS/visual $* &

at the command prompt, execute:

% chmod 755 startvw

(assuming you saved the script to that name)

and start the image with:

./startvw visual.im

also, have a look at the docs in the doc directory.